Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Next two day is my cousin wedding party .unfortunately we can not attend there but I’m happy, because my families gather again together and have very happy hours. I’m happy because I feel after some painful days when my mother was in hospital two times in two months continuously and some shocked accidents or some sad news, participating in a good and happy ceremony maybe is a good change of mood for all family.

Here in this around one year that I have lived here ,I notice these people try to be happy with very simple reasons and have fun and celebration .and I’m wondering why in Iran there should be a very good poof to have celebration or be happy and have fun gathering. I mean for example here in St.john’s once there are some events about the strawberry picking or other fruit picking. Many people going to farm once and pick some fruits as much as they need and have some fun and finish. Or going to garden where there are some rose bushes and looking to this flowers and the name of this event is “Rose show”. Or in big events same as Canada day, actually they don’t have very good performance, They don’t bother them selves for preparation of this ceremony, just try to be happy that day and have fun with their children and watch some simple and amateur performance and actually accompany in the performance spontaneously . As my opinion the main point is not about those ceremony or events, is about their feeling and happiness. But when I back to my country I found we have many tradition and cultural events and have very deep and good reason to have fun and ceremony and celebrate many events, these days I feel my people are not happy. They just try to finish days after days with hope for future to find better day’s .I know they face lots of pressure but some body should inject happiness to them. I think all of us need happiness. We can celebrate either many events, many especial days or even it is not necessary to find events, we can have fun and be happy for simple proofs. And we should not expect to have best preparation and perfect initial thing just for celebration. I think maybe all difficulty fills all hearts of people and maybe there is no space to be happy in their hearts. I remember when I was child most of the governmental ceremony were about the religious ceremony, But it could be good if there was a little fun there! , but main point is, in those religious ceremony government learn people or try to push them that no joyance, just show serious ceremony with a little crying about some other bad events!!.

Maybe we have not learn to be happy ,because some times I wondering maybe be happy and enjoying of life is not a inherent or natural is acquired ,and all persons should learn to be happy and enjoy every single moments of their life’s. Teachers besides of the academic books should teach student to adjust their own selves with society and use of all happiness capacities and gladness of the life. unfortunately up to now I have not learn how to be satisfy and pleasure of my life .but good news is ,I’m here and notice there are some differences I wanted try to learn be happy and enjoy my life.